The 10th GTWS
Nesin Mathematics Village, Şirince, İzmir January
16-21, 2023

Schedule of talks
Scientific Commitee
Vicente Cortés |
University of Hamburg, Germany
İzzet Coşkun |
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Anna Fino |
University of Torino, Italy |
Ljudmila Kamenova |
Stony Brook University, USA
Lei Ni |
University of California at San Diego, USA
Tommaso Pacini |
University of Torino, Italy |
Gregory Sankaran |
University of Bath, UK |
Misha Verbitsky |
IMPA, Brasil
Organizing Commitee
Craig van Coevering |
Bosphorus University
İzzet Coşkun |
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Mustafa Kalafat |
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
The 10th GTSS will be held at the
Nesin Mathematical Village
in Şirince, İzmir.
There will be mini-courses of introductory nature, related to the Geometry-Topology research subjects.
The venue is close to the Ancient City of Ephesus
and/or Kuşadası Beach.
Wifi info: Passwords are asurbanibal at the Library (Kutuphane) networks, bakkalnmk for istasyon and terasbahce
for kisbahcesi at the registration lobby.
Graduate students, recent Ph.D.s and under-represented minorities are
especially encouraged to the research school.
Partial financial support is available.
Daily expenses including bed, breakfast, lunch, dinner is around 20€.
Please fill out the application form to attend to the research school.
Airport: İzmir Adnan Menderes Airport - ADB is the closest one.
For pick up, faculty is advised to get out of the terminal building from the domestic gate and wait there.
Also let us know before hand, your whatsapp number and/or Google-Hangouts address in case of a problem.
Small amounts of Turkish Lira may be needed in the village
which you can withdraw from ATM machines at the
airport or tell the driver along the way.
In case you are coming to the Village independently, from the Airport you may
take the regional trains to Selçuk, possibly with a break at Tepeköy.
Then from Selçuk take a taxi which costs about 10€.
Taxi Drivers: +90 232 892 3125 (Gar Taxi), +90 553 243 0835 (Volkan), +90 532 603 1518 (Ata).
Visas: Check whether you need a visa beforehand.
Variation formulae for submanifolds in Kähler and G2 geometry
In any Riemannian manifold it is interesting to detect which submanifolds are minimal,
i.e. critical points of the volume functional, and to study their further properties.
We shall discuss the first and second variation formulae in this general context,
then specialize them to the case of Lagrangian/coassociative submanifolds in special Riemannian situations:
Kähler/G2 manifolds. We shall develop the necessary concepts as we go along, starting with the simplest case of geodesics.
An outline of these topics is provided in the following paper and related lecture notes.
- Pacini, Tommaso. Variation formulae for the volume of coassociative submanifolds.
Available on the ArXiv at
- Pacini, Tommaso. Lecture Notes.
Nesin Mathematics Village 2023.
Lectures on Locally Conformally Kähler Manifolds
In these lectures we will make an introduction to the locally conformally Kähler (LCK) geometry.
A LCK metric is a structure on a complex manifold which falls somewhere between a Hermitian metric and a Kähler metric.
Ingredients of the individual seminars are as follows:
LCK 0: Example of a non-Kähler compact complex manifold.
LCK 1: Introduction. Lee form. Torsion 1-form.
LCK 2: Weyl connection.
LCK 3: Relation with conformal structures:
Hermite-Weyl structures with vanishing distance curvature. (Complex dimension ≥ 3)
LCK 4: Globally conformally Kähler (GCK) manifolds.
LCK 5: Vaisman's conjectures.
We will be using the following resources.
- S. Dragomir, L. Ornea -
Locally conformal Kähler geometry.
Progress in Mathematics, 155. Birkhäuser Boston, Inc., Boston, MA, 1998.
- Vaisman, Izu. Some curvature properties of complex surfaces.
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4) 132 (1982), 1–18 (1983).
- Vaisman, Izu. On locally and globally conformal Kähler manifolds.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 262 (1980), no. 2, 533–542.
- Gauduchon, Paul. La 1-forme de torsion d'une variété hermitienne compacte.
[Torsion 1-forms of compact Hermitian manifolds] Math. Ann. 267 (1984), no. 4, 495–518.
- Ornea L., Verbitsky M. - Principles of Locally Conformally Kähler Geometry.
Available on the ArXiv at 772pp. v3 2023.
Gauge Theory and 4-manifolds
We will begin, in this minicourse, by discussing the
classification of closed, simply connected topological 4-manifolds
given in the theorems of Whitehead and Freedman. We will then move on
to the question of the existence and classification of smooth
structures on 4-manifolds. A powerful tool for distinguishing smooth
structures on 4-manifolds is given by the Seiberg-Witten invariants.
These will be introduced without proofs and some computations on
elliptic surfaces will be given.
Some textbook and references for the subject are as follows.
- R. E. Gompf and A. I. Stipsicz. 4-Manifolds and Kirby Calculus.
Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 20, Amer. Math. Soc., RI, 1999.
- A. Scorpan. The Wild World of 4-Manifolds.
Amer. Math. Soc. Providence, RI, 2005.
- R. Fintushel and R. Stern. Six lectures on four 4-manifolds.
Low dimensional topology, 265–315, IAS/Park City Math. Ser., 15, Amer.
Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2009.
Prerequisites: Basic Topology
Introduction to Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
In this lecture series we want to examine uniformly elliptic second order partial differential equations. In order to solve these
equations we will take advantage of two different methods from analysis, namely, from Sobolev Spaces and maximum principle
techniques. The simplest non-trivial examples of elliptic PDEs are the Laplace Equation and the Poisson Equation. Any other elliptic PDE in
two variables can be expressed as a generalization of one of these equations. The general theory of solutions to Laplace’s equation is
known as potential theory, which is, in fact, the study of harmonic functions. So it is only natural to look at techniques from analysis
to solve these equations.
Daily description is as follows.
Elliptic PDEs 1: Definitions and Motivation.
Elliptic PDEs 2: Existence of Weak Solutions and Existence Theorems.
Elliptic PDEs 3: Existence of Weak Solutions and Existence Theorems (cont).
Elliptic PDEs 4: Regularity.
Elliptic PDEs 5: Maximum Principles.
Elliptic PDEs 6: Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions.
The following resources would be helpful as a reference.
Textbook and References:
- Lawrence C. Evans. Partial Differential Equations: Second Edition.
Graduate Studies in Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, 1998.
Prerequisites: Partial Differential Equations, Sobolev Spaces
Activities are supported by Nesin Mathematical Village, Turkish Mathematical Society and University of Bonn